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New Product Development: “Blueprinting” for Success


Companies are always looking ways to streamline their new product development process. New Product BluePrinting introduces a process of using (customer) Discovery Interviews in optimizing design.

New Product Blueprinting was developed by Dan Adams and highlighted in his book with the same name. In the book, Adams highlights 7 steps: 1) Market Research 2) Discovery Interviews 3) Preference Interviews 4) Side-by-side testing 5) Product objectives 6) Technical Brainstorming 7) Business Case, leading up to product development and eventual launch. The process was created by Adams after spending 30 years working with and within major corporations, and is “designed to uncover customers’ unspoken needs and engage them so they are primed to buy your new product.”

The initial steps begin by conducting initial market research, then developing hypotheses to test during Discovery Interviews. These Discovery Interviews are open-ended discussions rather than a standard Q&A, thus allowing for open dialogue with interviewee engaged in the process. This two-heads better than one approach can lead to creative ideas, and builds a rapport that many times turns into a commercial relationship once the product is launched.

New Product Development was designed with a more B2B focus. In an interview of several teams that have conducted in cumulative 875 B2B-optimized customer interviews, 96% said these interviews would have a moderate, significant or great impact on their company’s organic growth rate.